Knowledge center for Industrial Safety-Training on Industrial Safety 27th & 28th Dec-2022
Knowledge center for Industrial Safety-Training on Industrial Safety
27th & 28th, Dec-2022
Online classes will be conducted in Google Meet platform and the links are as follows:
On date 27/12/2022:
On date 28/12/2022:
सभी वर्कशॉप एवं उत्पादन इकाई से अनुरोध है की उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम के लिए सुपरवाइजर/स्टाफ को नामित करें | अधिक जानकारी हेतु संपर्क करें |
श्री सतीश कुमार , SSE/BTC Mobile No. - 9752440478
श्री प्रशांत कुमार , JE/IT Mobile No. :- 9752440465
श्री ए.एस घृतलहरे ,SSE/SAFETY Mobile No. :- 9752440471 Email:
For Further Information Regarding the Training on Industrial Safety and Training Session Please Click on the Pdf file below :-